About KP Kaszubowski
KP Kaszubowski (she/her) is a poet, filmmaker, and writing + research instructor.
Her debut poetry collection somnieeee was published in 2019 by Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, and her debut feature film Ringolevio premiered in 2020 at Dances With Films in Los Angeles. As narrative designer and producer, her first feature length documentary My First and Last Film (director: Tracey Thomas) premiered in 2019. Her previous poetry has been published (as Kristin Peterson) by pitymilk press, Great Lakes Review, dancing girl press, Juked, Flag + Void, ICHNOS, and elsewhere.
She is a recent MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry) grad from Eastern Washington University where she taught rhetoric, composition, and creative writing courses.
In the summer of '23, KP Kaszubowski began a long-term writing project based on experiential research in Thailand and Indonesia. Her research is centered around embodied pedagogies, land ethic, the brevity of the body, mind-body connection, mystical and sensual experiences, and life writing with the dead. This research will inform the creation of a body of poetry as well as feature length documentary.
Research areas: poetry and poetics, spiritual literature, medieval literature, land ethics, environmental studies, dis/ability studies, feminist theory, creative writing pathways, occultist texts and history, history of the body, history of pain and pleasure, tantric Buddhism, animistic societies, cognitive psychology, film studies.